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Home > Mobile Ordering & Delivery > Olo > How to use Lead Time Extension Tool in Olo
How to use Lead Time Extension Tool in Olo
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Issue: A CRG team member does not know how to use the Lead Time Extension Tool in the Olo Dashboard.  


Note:  The Lead Time Extension tool will add time to all orders for a scheduled period of time.  This is in use for both Cali and FK brands.  KAs are written for FK, but Cali is using the tool the same way as well



  • Access to Olo Expo iPad



  1. Download the attached training pdf and review all the steps.  
  2. Log in to the Olo Expo tablet to validate you have access to the tool, as shown on the attached training document. 
  3. If you have trouble downloading the training pdf, CLICK here to view in your web browser. 
  4. If you have issues with using the tool or feel like it is not working, please open a ticket.
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