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Home > POS > Brink > Software > How to Close Olo Orders on Brink POS Terminal
How to Close Olo Orders on Brink POS Terminal
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  • Need explanation on how to close Olo orders on the Brink POS terminal.



  • Brink Login created for team member attempting to close Olo Orders. 

  • Must be logged into the POS Terminal



  • Olo orders need to be closed manually for each shift.  Closing the order finalizes the transaction and adds any tips from the order to the shift checkout upon running the checkout. 

  • You won’t be able to run a checkout with orders still open, so closing Olo orders will be required prior to running a checkout. 

  • IMPORTANT – Do not reopen and try to edit the Olo orders.  This messes up reporting and could impact your numbers and tips at the checkout.







  1. Olo orders will be added automatically to the “Open Order Lane” as soon as they are sent to the KDS from Olo. 

  2. This is at the top left of the terminal screen, just above the where you see the list of food being rang in.  

  3. All Olo orders will have the a “blue globe” as their order icon. 







  1. Select the Olo order by tapping on the globe. 

  2. The order will display below.

  3. The text should be green, and you’ll be able to see the Olo ID, the total payment, and the tip. 

  4. There should always be a $0.00 balance due on Olo Orders.






1. Once you've selected the order, click the pink “Close Olo Orders” button. 




    2.  Repeat for all Olo orders. You’ll just tap the globe, Close Olo Orders, tap the globe, Close Olo Orders, you get it... 

    3. Once there’s no more globes… you’re done closing Olo Orders.




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