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Home > POS > Brink > Brink POS Training > Brink POS - Training Guides
Brink POS - Training Guides
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Open the attached pdf files to view the Brink POS Training Guides for each Station.  


Printable checklists for each station can be found in another article in Happy Fox (reach out to your MP or Regional Manager if you have trouble locating them) 


Managers will use this guide to facilitate station training for any team member scheduled to work that station.  Detailed explanation of who gets trained is inside the Training Guide. 


  • An MP, AGM, or AM will read through the guide, as the team member completes the associated practice exercises on the terminal for training.  
  • The team member must complete each task on the training checklist, and the manager must sign off. 
  • The team member cannot train themselves.  A salaried manager must facilitate the training. 




Eventually we'll have printed copies of this sent to all the locations, but for now you'll use the iPads for training. 



In the interest of saving paper and saving the planet, and also for being able to update the training materials quickly, you'll view your training guide by opening the attached file, but will still need to print out your checklists at the store-level for each team member.  

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