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Home > POS > Brink > Software > Reopen a closed order under a drawer that's already checked out
Reopen a closed order under a drawer that's already checked out
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Issue: A closed order needs to be changed



  • Order number
  • Team member who closed the order
  • Register the order was closed on



To reopen a closed order under a drawer that's already checked out, you need the terminal to be unassigned.   To do this, you'll need to checkout whatever drawer is currently being used.  Because no cash was used on the morning checkout, this should not affect the deposit. 

  1. Checkout the current drawer you're working under.  You will not need to reopen that drawer again.
    1. Click the MANAGER button at the top of the screen
    2. Click Manage Drawers
    3. Select the drawer you are currently on. 
    4. Select Drawer Checkout
  2. Now that there is no drawer assigned, you can just undo the checkout from this morning (the one with the catering orders on it). 
    1. Navigate back to the SPEED SCREEN 
    2. Click the MANAGER button at the top of the screen
    3. Click UNDO CHECKOUT


Once you undo the checkout, you should be able to reopen and edit the orders.   


As long as the driver is currently clocked in, you should be able to assign those delivery orders to them as well.   


Once you're finished editing orders, you can either keep the drawer open, or close it out again, and restart the other checkout where you left off. 

If after trying all of the above, you are still unable to reopen a closed order, please put in a tech ticket.  If this issue is Critical, please call the tech phone.

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