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Home > POS > How to Reboot POS System
How to Reboot POS System
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Issue: POS will not load on a terminal or an error message is being displayed


Cali: Aloha

FK: Brink




  1. Locate the power button on the bottom right side of the display
  2. Press the power button which will perform a Windows shutdown.
  3. Wait 30 seconds then power on the terminal by pressing the power button. 
  4. Wait for the POS to fully boot up before using
    • It can take up to 15 minutes for the terminal to load Aloha POS
  5. If a problem still occurs, open a ticket with tech support.





  1. Locate the green power button in the bottom right corner of the POS

  2. Press and hold the power button (under the screen) for 5 seconds and wait for the POS to FULLY power down

  3. Turn the POS back on by holding the power button for an additional 5 seconds

  4. Wait for the POS to boot back up before using

  5. If a problem still occurs, reach out to the tech team via phone or ticket




















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